459 results found
Create separate Notification type when new invoice is sent for review
Please create separate notification type, when new Invoice has been sent for Review. Special Notifications types are available for Completion and Withdrawal of review, but not for "Creation" of Review.
Currently Notification type “New task” controls also notifications for invoices sent for Review, but it also controls same time notifications for ALL new tasks. For AP users "New task" notifications are disabled or otherwize hundreds of emails are received for all new invoices handled in Medius, but same time they need to receive Notifications, when new invoice is sent for Review for them.
Therefore the new Notification type is needed,…6 votes -
Det vore bra om man kunde korrigera/rätta en inläst rad på varufakturor i de fall tolkningen blivit felaktigt
Det vore bra om man kunde korrigera/rätta en inläst rad på en varufaktura ifall tolkningen skulle blivit felaktigt. Eller alternativt kunna lägga till (skapa) en ny rad och ta bort en felaktigt.
Detta för att undvika att behöva makulera och läsa in en faktura på nytt i onödan.25 votes -
Improve connect step history information - add connection maker
Today MediusFlow does not record who is making connection but who is pushing invoice further in flow (hitting "Connection done" button in that case).
If you enable automatic connection then you cannot access all invoice history and only see what the system has done but not users.6 votes -
Vid avvikelse - inte behöva klicka i rutan för vidaredistribution.
Om jag vill distribuera vidare exempelvis en prisdiff på en varufaktura, och i detta fall trycker på "varningstriangeln", vill jag inte behöva klicka i rutan där jag ska skriva namnet på den personen fakturan ska till. Om jag har tryckt "Distribuera vidare" vill jag ju direkt kunna skriva ett namn och inte först klicka i rutan. Störande moment som borde vara lätt fixat!
4 votes -
A line under the invoice information
When you klick on an invoice you get a little infomation above the invoice, supplier, company, invoice number, tax etc..
Could you ad another line where the posting date showes and the voucher number.4 votes -
Comments or reason code for invalidate
Force the user to enter either comments or reason code from a drop down list when performing either invalidate or invalidate and edit. If this information could then be entered into a gadget so scanning errors can be reported on.
15 votes -
Redistribute button for analyze tasks to work in the same way that the redistribute works for Connect tasks
Redistribute button for analyze tasks to work in the same way that the redistribute works for Connect tasks
3 votes -
Possibility to put tolerances on head level, eventhough we have unitprice and qty approvals.
Due to 3-waymatching, we have to approve deviations on unitprices and qty on line level. However, the deviation tolerance should not be on line level, and certainly not on unit price or qty, but should be possible on total invoice net amount.
1 vote -
Stop invoices with deviations based on value
We would like to be able to stop PO invoices in post control that have an approved deviation greater than XX SEK. Today you can only stop all invoices with approved or rejected deviation but not with any discernment of the value.
3 votes -
6 votes
Extended distribution in Authorize deviation
Business case
Deviations on PO invoices are validated to Approver’s limit. If limit is exceeded, the deviation is sent for authorization.
There is a need for distributing these deviations to a functional role, e.g. Purchasing manager.
• Current
It is only possible to distribute to UserResponsible, SupplierResponsible, CompanyResponsible.
These roles are often used for other purposes, and can’t be applied in this case.
• Expected
It should be possible to distribute based on more categories/roles. At least an additional responsible on company level – e.g. CompanyPurchasingResponsible.
Also the possibility to setup a second UserResponsible (to be used e.g. fore a…1 vote -
Möjlighet att sortera om i kolumnerna i inkorgen
Vill själv kunna ändra ordningen på kolumnerna i inkorgen. Så att t.ex. fakturadatum o förfallodag kommer först eller iallafall efter "uppgift". Men bäst om man själv kan bestämma ordningen på kolumnerna.
33 votes -
Vore önskvärt om det i fliken för faktura detaljer kan framgå om det är en kredit, debet eller varufaktura
4 votes -
(Missing) validation that an invoice, that is not fully coded (mandatory fields not coded) can be distributed in workflow
Currently it is possible to send (distribute) an invoice into the workflow despite not all mandatory fields are coded. There is no validation that prevents such a distribution. In the next step it gets stuck, because if not all mandatory fields filled, the approver has only possibility to reject (and thus send back to accounting) the invoice. That is not useful from a logical and operational point of view.
Only in post control (when sent to ERP) a validation exists, that prevents to send invoice, that lacks mandatory fields in coding, cannot be sent to ERP.
There should be already…
5 votes -
FI invoices balance should be shown when amount + vat is inputted not after account coding
Coding balance should show correct amount when amount on line level + vat code has been inputted and not first when you add the account on coding.
Currently AP team cannot check the document balance before sending invoice to user for coding/approval!
1 vote -
Support for approvals in mobile web app
I love the document approval feature, but I would really like to be able to approve documents in the mobile web app.
17 votes -
availability of function to copy coding from Excel also in create template function
there is now a function available to copy coding information from an Excel spreadsheet. This function is only available for coding an existing expense invoice. It would be of great use to have this function available also when creating accounting template because this would speed up the set up of a template having a lot of coding lines.
9 votes -
Sort on Invoice date
Should be able to sort the invoices in inbox based on invoicedate and not only expiration date.
3 votes -
See final attestant when ditributing - Se slutlig attestant i distributionssteg
When distributing an invoice to a first attestant, it would be good if you could get the final attestan in an info-window by the user's name. So that you immediately see which supertenant the first attestant has in the flow.
När man ska distribuera en faktura till en första attestant så skulle det vara bra om man kunde få upp den slutliga attestanten i ett info-fönster vid användarens namn. Så att man direkt ser vilken överordnad som den första attestanten har i attestflödet.
34 votes -
Different Supervisor / Responsible user for PO- and Expense invoices
We work with different workflows depending on invoice type.
We uses authorization of deviation.
We would like to have possibilities to add different "Responsible user" depending on if it is a PO invoice or a Expense invoice.6 votes
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