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  1. Residual amounts on unposted amounts should automatically roll down as a posting line, (provided that amount is not on another certificate). If there is a line below that does not have the entire balance amount, that line should be updated to the correct balance amount. This is to avoid using calculators or removing and adding lines, which becomes a lot of extra moments and unproesional. For better illustration, see Ascendo's function.

    Restbelopp på ej konterat belopp ska automatiskt trilla ner som en konteringsrad, (förutsatt att det beloppet inte ligger på annan attestant). Om det ligger en rad nedanför som ej…

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  2. It would be nice if the attached documents could show up as page "no 2" after the invoice . For more illustration, see Ascendo's function.

    Vore trevligt om bifogade dokument dyker upp som sidor efter ordinarie inskannad faktura/som en extra sida, isf att behöva öppna bifogade dokument, för att komma åt bilagorna. För mer information se koncernbolagets Ascendos lösning.

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  3. Make the Invoicing plan detail part of header data (details tab).
    Invoicing plan (number of periods) is then automatically setup based on contract Start and End date. Before end date, send notice to contract owner to renew through xx date or end contract. New invoicing plan is auto-generated based on new approved end date.

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  4. We would like to have a pop-up window in Medius when we code on a specific account and other dimension combination with a message for the authorizer.
    In order to give the authorizer additional information about the coding.

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  5. Users added as "delegates" should be informed by system directly of the source and the timeline.

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  6. Be able to search for multiple delivery notes at once, for example separated by semi colon or comma.

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  7. I think it would make a lot of sense to have a dialogue popping up in a scenario where a user does NOT approve of a deviation in their favor. I.e. there is a negative deviation that they are rejecting. Similar to how we have a dialogue asking the user if they really want to push an order based invoice past the Connect step.

    I cannot think of a whole lot of scenarios where it makes sense to not take the more favorable price given by the supplier, but there might be some. Tolerances would not always have these go…

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  8. Currently the maximum invoice number length limitation is only working for the documents in the document import step. When you change the invoice number in the distribute, connect or post-control step you're still able to use more characters than the limitation that has been set up. We think the limitation of maximum invoice number length should be applied to all the steps.

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  9. Add possibility to edit and/or delete a comment that was created by the user.

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  10. Att för varufakturor i analysera-läget, ha tillgång till makulera och klassificera om fakturan.

    För tillfället finns denna funktion endast tillgänglig när fakturorna ligger i koppla-läget.
    Sparar många "klick" ifall detta gick att ordna även i analysera-läget.


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  11. When we have multiple invoices with same PO (overcharged?), and the first invoice gets booked, we are not able to book the second invoice. The error "Undelivered connections exist" is given at the top of the invoice. As we have invoices with > 100 lines, it becomes very difficult to figure out which line is related to this error.

    Our suggestion is
    - to add to this error message: "Undelivered connection exist on invoice line(s) 3, 43, 118.
    - or to add an extra button next to "show deviations" like "undelivered lines". If we click on that, automatically, filtered out…

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  12. We have a supplier that always has a -3% discount on thier total invoice price that is not deducted in the price on the articels. This amount is not marked with a minus (-) sign before and therfore if we verify it as an exeption type it will always be coded as positive amount if we not manually put the minus sign before and it will end up in the analyse step.
    And since we sometimes has difference on the amount on the articels from the supplier and what we have in our system we don't want to set the…

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  13. Show if there are multiple pages Invoicing plan. Today it shows page 1 even if there are several. You have to press 1 to see that there are several. Show have many pages and also that you can press next page.

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  14. Some suppliers issue a single invoice relating to multiple contracts/agreements, and require payment to be in one transaction for the invoice.

    However the company still needs to track contract usage at a per vehicle basis, including having different invoicing plans and start/finish times.

    Please create the ability to match one contract based invoice to multiple invoicing plans. Potentially this could be achieved by adding the option to turn on, line-level matching for contract based invoices, rather than the just header-level which is presently offered.

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  15. Det skulle vara bra om man i inkorgen snabbt kan se om en faktura har eskalerats till en överordnad chef från förste attestanten.

    I MF 10.0 så blev det en pil framför fakturan vilket gjorde att chefen kunde se att denna faktura har förfallit och ej gjorts av första attestanten.

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  16. It would be great to have a possibility to filter the Inbox by currency (instead of just being able to sort the invoices).

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  17. It would be great to have a possibility to easily copy purchase order data (order no, article number/name, etc.) to be able to quickly search for/check things in other systems, share information in comments/excel/emails. Now both single and double click performs the same function - marks the whole line.

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  18. After pressing the button Koppla rader/Fakturabild (when booking order-based invoices) to get the invoice open in Medius (picture After) instead of a separate pdf which does not automatically close when you move to another invoice; this consequently results in a list of open pdfs (picture Before) on your screen = waste of time and a big inconvenience trying to close them all (have in mind that you can press x and close them while they are listed vertically, but after you are done with the majority of them the list becomes horizontal with pdfs of different sizes depending on how…

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  19. To change the comment icon so that it would display a New Comment! notification every time somebody writes a new comment on an invoice (e.g. the comment icon could be flagged, displayed in another colour or with an exclamation mark, etc.; in fact any visual means which would distinguish the invoice from hundreds of other invoices in our inboxes could work). The notification should disappear when somebody reads the comment.

    Now we only get notifications when somebody mentions us using @ in the comments section, but this function is rarely used. Moreover, there is no possibility to filter invoices based…

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  20. Due to (commercial) reasons, we are not allowed to book invoices from Medius.

    1) On hold function is overwritten when the invoice gets automatically matched

    2) Block payment is only in our ERP system, so the purchaser has no idea what is still blocked and what not.

    Maybe the "on hold" function should be extended that it will only be inactivated by approving the invoice and not by automatic rematching.

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