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  1. we have a large number of Inter-company invoices to handle. It should be handy if for this type of invoice /supplier we can avoid four eyes principle. And/Or have an opportunity to authorize all these invoice for selected (inter-company) suppliers in one action. (when you select these in inbox which have task authorize)

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  2. Hi, it will be great when you will have an invoice in document import and something went wrong with the lines, that, if you want, you can delete all scanned lines by one click, so select all button. Now if you want to delete them, you have to delete it one by one. When you will have an invoice with 20 rows, it's a waste of your time. It can be an easy change :D

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  3. would be nice if during changing expense invoice to orderbased (and opposite) new voucher will not be created and invoice number will not be changed.
    In fact this is the same document

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  4. When a GR (future price updates?) is (manually) made after the invoice is sent in the flow, our users often also approve their invoice after this action. Consequence: invoice gets in "authorize deviations" step, where the dynamic rematching doesn't work any more. By using event-based updates on GR, it would decrease nr of invoices, going incorrectly to "authorize deviations".

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  5. We would like to display more information in the email users receive from Medius when someone have mentioned them in a comment (@)
    The information we find useful is invoice number, supplier name and number, company and whether it´s an expense or orderbased invoice

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    It would be great if we could design our own email templates. In Medius we have the email functionality but are not able to select "predefined templates". Also we do not have a track when a mail is send out by using Medius. In case we have an incorrect invoice, invoice in wrong company, invoice for which we need to request a proof of payment … now we need to send this from our personal inbox and nobody in the team can see what action is already done.

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  7. Add an optional due date tolerance of plus/minus x number of days to each contract. Invoice due dates matching within tolerance do not require an approval.

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  8. It should be possible in the Attest step to send back a merchant invoice to the connection step.

    Att det ska vara möjligt i Attest-steget att skicka tillbaka en varufaktura till kopplingssteget.

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  9. It wolud be nice if it was posible to change referense when the invoice is in status "redistribute VAT", so you can correct the reference directly.

    Vore önskvärt om referens var möjligt att korrigera i alla lägen. Idagsläget kan man inte korrigera referens när fakturan har status "omfördela moms".

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  10. When you want to continue and create more lines to post, is it sometimes possible to press "tab" to get a new line, but this does not always work, so then you have to manually click add.

    När man har konterat en rad och önskar fortsätta skapa fler rader att kontera, kan man i visssa lägen trycka "tab" för att få fram en ny rad, men detta fungerar inte i alla lägen, utan då måste man manuellt klicka på lägg till rad.

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  11. Be able to certify without opening invoices, for example, heads who may wish to attest based on "sampling principle". For better illustration, see Ascendo's function.

    Kunna attestera utan att öppna fakturor, tex chefer som önskar slumpmässigt urval på vilka fakturor de ska öppna och slutattestera när annan ansvarig redan har attesterat.

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  12. It would be nice with a correct error message when order number has been interpreted by misstake, even though it does not exist order number in Medius. Today, it is an incorrect error message about closed period. And it would be nice if you could block the function of loading order numbers at the companies and / or suppliers that do not use order numbers.

    Önskvärt med korrekt felmeddelande när ordernummer blivit tolkat av misstag, trots att det inte existerar i Medis. Idag ges ett felaktigt felmeddelande om stängd period. Än bättre vore det om man kunde spärra funktionen att…

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  13. If you have multiple views in your inbox (cost invoices, new invoices etc.), the system bugs and misses all invoices that are in the queue, but which are not visible in the window. In order for these invoices to be visible and processable, you have to click F5 and select "show to X" X = the number of invoices you have in the queue. Because these invoices will not be visable if you just click on "next invoice", because the system jump over invoices that are on "page 2".

    Om man har flera vyer/fönster (omkostnadsfakturor, import av dokument osv), så…

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  14. Suplier invoices with mixed VAT-%, various VAT-free fees, etc. are continuously included in the VAT control. For this reason, it would be nice to be able to turn off the VAT check on selected suppliers.

    Leverantörsfakturor med blandmoms, div momsfria avgifter osv fastnar löpande i momskontrollen. Med anledning av detta bör man enkelt kunna stänga av momskontrollen på utvalda leverantörer.

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  15. Since the system is unable to handle VAT lines added after the invoice is registered, there should be a barrier so that this procedure is closed.

    Eftersom systemet inte klarar av att ta hand om momsrader som läggs till efter det att fakturan är registrerad så borde det ligga en spärr så att detta förfarande inte är möjligt att genomföra.

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  16. If you happen to write for example two pieces "," or example "5,0,0" in the "amount box" then the amount becomes zero, when you leave the box, it would be better i you not colud leave the box without correction or that you manually set the amount to zero.

    Om man råkar skriva tex två stycken kommatecken i beloppsrutan så blir beloppet noll när man klickar ut från rutan, vore bättre om man inte kunde lämna rutan vid detta fel utan att korrigera eller att man manuellt sätter beloppet till noll.

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  17. Posibility to use negative amount in pre-accounting. For example, if I want a certain amount or % to be charged negatively by the pre-accounting template.

    Förkontering med negativa belopp fungerar ej idag. Tex om jag vill att ett visst belopp eller procentsats ska förkonteras negativt mha konteringsmall.

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  18. A role that you cannot distribute to should not be visible in the distribution list. For better illustration, see Ascendo's function.

    En roll som man inte kan distribuera till ska ej heller vara synlig i distributionslistan.

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  19. Better information in the certificate screen regarding who has certified or posted the invoice. Today you have to click every time you want to see this information, which is quite time-consuming for those who finalize larger quantities of invoices. See Ascendos solution with abbreviation instead of that the full name is shown.

    Tydligare info i attestbilden på vem som har attesterat eller konterat fakturan, idag måste man klicka varje gång man vill se detta, vilket är rätt tidskrävande för de som slutattesterar större mängder fakturor. Se Ascendos lösning med förkortning isf hela namn som visas. Tydligt vem som har utört…

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  20. Templates that recognize interpreted VAT and can be read in the "show VAT lines" field, so that in the accounting template you can control that x% of interpreted VAT should be expensed against account XXXX. This creates enormous efficiency when the company don't have fully taxable business. For better illustration, see Ascendo's function "konteringsmallar".

    Konteringsmallar som känner av tolkad moms, den moms som kan läsas i fältet "visa momsrader", så att man i konteringsmallen kan styra att x% av tolkad moms ska kostnadsföras mot konto XXXX. Detta skapar enorm effektivisering när man inte har fullt momspliktig verksamhet/blandad verksamhet. Funktionen finns…

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