Improved email notifcations
We would like to display more information in the email users receive from Medius when someone have mentioned them in a comment (@)
The information we find useful is invoice number, supplier name and number, company and whether it´s an expense or orderbased invoice
Jason Mayfield commented
We would like to see the Supplier name on the review completed notification emails as well.
Linda Hansen commented
In MultiLine we are using comment a lot and it is a daily problem, that the information on the email don't tell us much.
If our product managers receiving 10 emails with comments, they have big problems.
This is not a nice to have - it is really a NEED TO HAVE -
Anonymous commented
We at Bunzl also need this extra information on emails when a comment has been sent via email to a recipient.
PO Number, Invoice number, supplier number, supplier name.
Without this information on the email we waste time opening every comment to identify the true recipient.