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  1. It would be helpful to be able to adjust the Tax code on a PO line without having to change the PO in the ERP system and then wait for an update. PO and GR in ERP do not create a tax applicable posting so the difference at that stage is not essential, however it is when we post the AP invoice. This would save quite a bit of time.

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  2. it would be very helpful for price deviation approvers to see the deviation amount as % as well in that little approving window..
    Often suppliers do price increases of xx %, then it will be easy to determine if that price difference is related to such increases.

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  3. We would like the DoA also for comment role in medius, now this is only working on tasks that are coming in the inbox of medius, while comments are not available there then the DoA is not working. Thx

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  4. In order to be able to easily approve invoices when only the mobile app is available, we also want to be able to check that the accruals are correctly booked.

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  5. Hello,
    Sometimes there are a lot of deviations on an invoice and the AP departments wants to give a comment on the header level to the purchaser before transferring it to them instead of each line.

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  6. We would like the PO responsible to able to be selected in the invoice summary so it would be easy for the finance department to know whom to contact when there is a problem.

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  7. Det ska vara möjligt att räkna i rutan för nettobelopp eller alla rutor där det finns ett belopp. (använda som en kalkylator)

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  8. As it is now, it's only possible to set an absolute limit on deviation approvals in the authorization group. We would like to set it as a % of the full amount like it is possible in other places in Medius.

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  9. I would have found it handy to also be able to sort on labels and current handlers in the invoices window in AP Automation.

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  10. If an Invoice has been rejected it should not go to the step Post Control. Now the invoice goes directly in Post Control and with the amount of invoices we have the invoice will be archives. It is not directly vissible that the invoice has been rejected. This means that the invoice wil be payed despite the rejection of the invoice

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  11. We use the contract especially for the lease invoices. These contracts have a due of 72 months. When an invoiceplan is made we would like to have in the coding description the month and year. Now we have to manually change the coding lines in the invoiceplan for one leasecontract 72 times

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  12. We would like to use the routing table to distribute the analysis of deviations.
    AFAIK that is not an option at the moment?

    We currently use Supplier responsible, but maintaining 1200+ Supplier Responsibles is clumsy. Especially if they change a lot (which they regularly do, when people join/leave our purchasing department).

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  13. When you hit send/connection done etc on an invoice and there is something wrong you automatically go to the next invoice in the inbox as if the previous one was successfully sent, and a very small error icon shows at the top of the screen. You then have to go back to that invoice and find the error message clear on the screen.
    That red error message should appear on the screen right away to make it clear that the invoice was not sent, instead of jumping to the next invoice and make it seem like it was sent. Users…

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  14. Vi skulle vilja att det finns en längre rad att skriva på i rutan "Kommentar" i kontosträngen. Detta kan vara bra när man gör en mall och vill att attestanten inte ska missa att göra en viss sak med fakturan.
    Ex. kolla pris enligt prislistan, Periodisering vid en viss faktura, mm

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  15. We are missing an options to code an OrderBased invoice and Credit Note through the OrderBased Channel without connecting to a PO using only an Exception Type.

    First, When we are receiving CreditNote it is usually reffered to a PO Invoice and currently we need to make sure the PO # are vioed out and it is handled as an Expense Invoice, which is easily forgotten. It also effects our possibility to search for invoices through PO numbers.

    Secondly, we for some of our Suppliers are using Pre-Payment before Approval. Currently if something goes wrong and we need to just…

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  16. Account coding fields already have texts of what to fill in there, so these black guide boxes are unnecessary and very annoying when you have multiple rows, they block the visibility of the previous row when filling in the information.

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  17. Possibility for the last approver to approve many invoices at the same time

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  18. Any comments mentioned in the deviation approval box should show up in the normal comments / history of an invoice. We would also like the mention future (@name) to work in the comment box

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  19. In the admin pages it's possible to add / remove columns in the inbox/expense/orderbased invoices. You can also see which number the column has in the order. We would like this number to be customizable, i.e. be able to put more important columns before others

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  20. When we send out invoices for certification, ALL our Roles now appear under "Approved by".
    It should be selectable with a simple check box on the Role itself, which Roles you want to be visible under "Approved by".
    As it is now, it can be a problem if you accidentally send invoices to a Role and not to a person.

    När vi skickar ut fakturor för attest kommer numera ALLA våra Roller upp under ”Godkänt av”.
    Det bör vara valbart med en enkel bockruta på själva Rollen, vilka Roller man vill ska vara synliga under ”Godkänt av”.

    Som det är…

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