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  1. Make it possible to insert attachments

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  2. Can we get the feature to be able to add multiple (2 or more) documents into one in document in Readsoft. Many times, invoices and supporting documents are sent as separate pdfs. Currently, we can split one document into multiple documents. Having the option to combine documents into one saves a lot of time in attaching, or invalidating and rescanning.

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  3. In Capture - it would be good if there was a field that sum the added lines. That way it is easier to see that you have captured all the lines and that they matches the total amount on the invoice.

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    The extra field or information of the sum of the line totals is a really good idea and have been added to the backlog. 

    However, I see there is questions regarding the validation. There exists already a validation which checks the sum of the line totals with the invoice total. This validation is activated in Capture Admin.

  4. Would like to be able to send "@User" comments from within incoming invoice. It currently doesn't bring in the user list. This would assist in directing and retaining questions from within the AP team on how certain invoices need to be captured.

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  5. Sometimes multiple lines add up to one line that needs to be captured to match a purchase order, and now those must be calculated in a separate calculator app or Excel then manually keyed into Medius. It would be helpful if we could do basic formulas (+, -, /, *) in quantity or amount fields.

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  6. A warning would be great to have in Capture if the invoice number is different to the serie on invoices that the supplier have on already existing invoices. This to avoid dates or other data to be verified which can lead to the same invoice being paid twice.

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  7. We have defined business rules for distribution of invoices. If the value from the invoice in the "reference field" equals the full name, or the username of an active user the invoice will be distributed to this user for authorization.

    Often the vendors do not add this value on the invoice. In the cases the users type the username directly in the reference field in Capture for "automatic" distribution. This requires the users to know the username or the full name of the user as it is written on the user profile in Medius Capture.

    It would be of great…

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  8. MediusCapture: We do not have the possibility to choose a vendor by typing in the supplier-account-no. You can only see this number in the settings of the supplier. But as we have more vendors with the same name in different locations, it would be great to have the possibility to choose the right vendor in MediusCapture just by typing in our supplier-account-no or at least if the number would be visible within the suppliers name in Capture.

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  9. There is no existing report on who the user was that deleted an incoming invoice prior to submitting to workflow. We have many users who can submit an incoming invoice. We've had many vendors report on late invoices that are not in the system. Only after running incoming report we show that they were received but rejected. We need to know who the user was and when the incoming document was deleted. Thank You

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  10. I would like to have a button you can click on to select all lines. For example when Capture have captured a lot of rows which I want to delete. Today I have to delete one line at a time

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  11. In Readsoft, we had it set up so the invoice that the email was sent to us on became part of the backup to the invoice. That way, we were able to easily see any comments or instructions that the supplier sent or if we had questions on an invoice, we knew who to send an email back to. In Capture, we have no idea if the supplier has provided information that we may need or asked a question that needs answered.

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  12. For some invoices we receive an additional excel with all the line items. It would be great if we could upload this in capture next to the pdf invoice.

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  13. Often we have to wait very long until invoices sent by email appear. On some days it takes hours.

    It would be efficient if, additionally, we had the possibility to directly import invoices from our local drive into the verify & capture step.

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  14. Sometimes the only time AP users see an invoice is in Capture, because of automated distribution, connection etc. This requires us to look up the invoice again while it's out for authorization or elsewhere and block it. Sometimes blocking in ERP is necessary because it's already been archived.

    It would be useful to be able put a payment block on an invoice in the verification step in Capture. Especially since there are many AP users and the one verifying is often not the same person who handles the invoice later.

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  15. Our users would like to be able to mention other users in Capture in the comment field like it works in MediusFlow

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  16. It's possible to see who has sent the invoice in "history", but we want to see that while looking at the invoice in capture also, before sending it to workflow.

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  17. Currently we dont see purchase order lines until the connect step when the invoices lines have already been captured. It would be handy to see the PO lines in capture to aid in invoice line capture, and as a check to see if PO number is correct.

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  18. If there had been information on the supplier page in capture of:

    • Supplier responsible
    • Default currency
    • Payment details

    It would be much easier to do the initial supplier-config and turn off fields that are unnecessary to capture. This would facilitate increase use of STP in capture.

    If this is difficult, it would even help to have a link to supplier details from capture which can be used to navigating to supplier details and back by browser operations.

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  19. In Capure mode, being able to see what currency the invoice will get. A single vendor (in ERP splitted on two vendors because of currency, for example EUR and GBP) could issue invoices in differrent currency, then it´s hard to have capture pick the right one depending on currency. To show currency in Capture would be an extra control in this matter.

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  20. För att underlätta vore det bra om man kunde söka på befintliga användare i Medius XI för att slippa skriva ut hela namnet på mottagaren om det saknas på fakturan.

    To make it easier, it would be good if you could search for existing users in Medius XI to avoid printing the full name of the recipient if it is missing on the invoice.

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