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  1. To be able to add a name in a list, that have an instant impact to whom an invoice should be steered to.
    Today you can learn in Capture who an invoice should go to, but it takes 3 times per supplier before the system is learned. Would like to have a way where it's an instant impact.
    Example: Invoice for a company car and invoice should go to an administrator for coding and we are several persons who register invoices and if someone misses to learn the administrators name or their are a new administrator, it's time consuming with…

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  2. I would like to add the button Mail in Capture. If you have a new vendor that needs to be created before verify the invoice - then it would be very helpful to add the mail-function in Capture. For example in Document import - you have this function.

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  3. I would like to have the possibility to add a note in a field in Capture, which is connected to the vendor. So that you can write notes and reminders which is shown each time you are capturing an invoice for that vendor. You would then be able to write exceptions and special things to keep in mind when capturing an invoice for that vendor. This functionality is available in Readsofts Verify.

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  4. Right now if a 100+ invoice PDF comes in containing 100 unique invoice numbers (one per page) users must manually page break each invoice into separate items to process in capture. There should be automation that can be trained per supplier to automate this very tedious process.

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  5. There are documents other than invoices that we would like to capture within Medius. These are documents where Capture would be a great tool because we'd love to grab data off of these documents. It would then in theory allow us to report on this data as well.

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  6. brackets are regularly used to denote credits, these are currently not recognized in capture they should be treated like a - in front of a value

    eg -10 is the same as (10) on an invoice

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  7. In capture sometimes the dot or comma in an amount is misread. It is quite hard to see in the captured "quantity"-field whether a dot or comma is captured.

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  8. When creating a new vendor in a different system, it would be nice to be able to copy fields from the invoice pdf in Capture and paste them to another system to avoid manual typing mistakes. Would like to have the copy /paste available.

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  9. It would be great if we could see which invoices have been scanned via scanner and which have arrived via email as PDF. At present, we do not see any difference in these when they come to Capture and this would facilitate the production of statistics on invoice flow.

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  10. Would like to be able to see the vendor(supplier) address when processing the invoices. Either in the header area under the Supplier and Company information or in the Invoice Details tab. This is to verify that the address on the invoice is the same as in our system. Currently, there are too many clicks taken in order to verify the information.

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  11. We would like the ability to select multiple invoices in Capture and then add the same label to all of them at once. Currently adding a label to each invoice individually is very time consuming.

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  12. Currently in Capture the data cleaning functionality is active for three fields:

    Invoice number

    Order number, on header level

    Order number, on line item level

    We have issues with item numbers on order lines, where certain suppliers send invoices with spaces in the item numbers ex "269 609 019", in addition to pre or post prefixes as "343241JK" or "JK34523432" where the spaces always should be deleted, the "JK" post or pre suffix should always be deleted, etc. It would be great if Medius could learn this by supplier. As it is today, we need to manually connect these items…

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  13. We don´t have a need to know why invoices was deleted in Capture. And think that the question of why we deleted a document is only extra task and would like to be able to deactivate the question.

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  14. Sometimes we need to delete a bulk of either invoices that are sent wrong or are nok invoices at all. We would really like to be able to delete in one bulk. We have received over 7000 invoices from one supplier this weekend; the same invoices are resend over and over, and have to delete one by one. That cost a lot of work hours.

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  15. When 'scanning' the invoice it would be great if the system also looked at the company name to ensure it has been sent into the correct email address. Currently it is the email address which determines which company the invoice will be posted in to. We use the same supplier across multiple companies, therefore if the system were to check this field as well it would catch mistakes made by suppliers

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  16. In order to easily check whether the information for the supplier matches the invoice, I would like it to be possible to choose that the Supplier settings box was always visible during verification

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  17. Add Mexico as list of countries for North America also to include Spanish language support for North America.

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  18. like "delete spaces / do not show spaces", "only accept numbers in a field" etc.

    For example in the header field "Purchase Order" it would be helpful to have this functuality so we could define that a PO always has 10 characters and only numbers.

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  19. One Supplier has a USD and a CAD bank that we must switch back and forth on due to the invoice currency.

    Medius doesn’t understand that if the invoice currency is USD, then it should choose the USD bank account and vice versa.
    Would like for Medius to understand that if it is one currency choose the bank that goes to that currency

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  20. If a supplier enter the account and costcenter on the invoice as a text line, it would be good if this information could be transferred from "line items" in capture to the accounting string in Medius automatically.

    See enclosed pictures

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