91 results found
Scroll Bar at top of Incoming Invoice window
Could we have a scroll bar at the top of the incoming invoice window rather than at the bottom. It adds significant time to scroll down to the bottom of the window to then scroll right to see invoice email details.
10 votes -
MediusCapture: Page break invoice lines
f the invoice line starts on page 1, but the article number is on page 2, Medius can neither read this automatically, nor do we have the possibility to mark the article number manually. Would be good to have as it would make invoice processing easier. Also Capture always reads invoice lines from the header or the bottom of an invoice, we always have to check and delete these lines manually.
10 votes -
MediusCapture: Inserting new invoice-lines
inserting lines is complicated because Capture always tries to find a new item line itself. When we want to add more than one line we have to press the +Button and OK for several times. When we just need one line, but Capture finds more than one line, Capture adds more lines and we have to delete the ones that are redundant. Would be better to have empty lines by just pressing the +Button.
10 votes -
Visa att det finns kommentarer i Capture
Jag skulle önska att man kunde se redan i Capture att det finns några kommentarer inlagda.
I vanliga flödet så ser man att det finns kommentarer med en (siffra). Hade varit väldigt bra om det fanns in Capture också.
Nu ser man inte om det finns en kommentar inlagd eller inte, om man inte trycker på rutan som heter kommentarer.
9 votes -
Lista i referensfältet
När kommer det implementeras att man kan söka i en rullista med mediusanvändare under referens i capture.
9 votes -
Capture - vem har mejlat in fakturan.
Jag hade velat kunna se vem som har mejlat in fakturan redan i Capture. Man kan se det i Medius men det hade varit bra om man kan se det redan i Capture!
9 votes -
IBAN number with spaces in Capture
IBAN number in the Medius format invoices in Capture should be spaced as FIxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx, and not as one bunch FIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Would be easier to read.
9 votes -
A comment that follows a certain supplier in Capture
Would like to have a possibility to add a comment at a supplier. Which will come up in Capture when there is an invoice from that supplier.
It can be a reminder of something to think about e.g that VAT should not be registered for just this supplier.8 votes -
Visibility in 'Incoming Invoices' of which invoices are in process.
We have 5 employees doing the Verify process and it is not visible which are being worked on, unless you open the invoice.
8 votes -
Tagging user in Capture comments
It should be possible to tag users in comments already in Capture. Comments can be inserted but they can't, inexplicably, be tags.
7 votes -
Improve validate total line amount
In the capture it is handy to have the validate total line amount to check if the lines + VAT add up to the total amount in capture, but there are some improvements.
1. Make the warning bigger when there is a difference
2. Can the total value of lines + VAT be displayed? With invoices with many lines there might be a 1 cent rounding difference but we would not know how big of the error currently is.
3. Can there be a pop-up warning to confirm the posting if there is an imbalance? I could still send the…7 votes -
Add "Sender Email" to Document Import section
Sender email is an available field option in Incoming Invoices but is not available on the Document Import. If this were added, it would be very beneficial when reviewing inbound invoices.
7 votes -
set last page of invoice in Capture.
In Readsoft you could 'set the last page' of an invoice that may be followed by appendices. This feature to 'set last page' is currently not available in Medius Capture. This feature should be added to Capture. I hope some folks would agree with those of us that have multipage invoices as well as invoices with supporting documents needed for approval purposes. Thanks.
7 votes -
E-mail address as invoice reference to be used for automatic distribution to approver.
We want our suppliers to put our employees' email addresses as reference on invoices rather than using names.
The reason: Names or not unique, but corporate email addresses are.
We would like to enable this possibility in MediusFlow for automatic distribution of invoices.
Our scenario is head-level capture and therefore we're talking about distribution to one person only (the reference, identified by email address).7 votes -
Make it possible to Hardcode inputs in Capture
I would like to hardcode stuff in capture so invoices dont get stuck when touchless i activetad
Exempel 1
If the supplier dont have a field for Rounding when there is no rounding capture get stuck becouse it cant find the field. I would like to tell the system that if no rounding is found make rounding green. Supplier specifiktExempel 2
If a invoice is a credit always make amount on rows and in the header in -
Capture dont like when rows have both + and -. see attached fileI would also like more information on how…
6 votes -
Capture invoice lines and use AI to remember coding for expense invoices
It would allow for a much greater level of automation of tedious coding strings in expense-based invoices if we could actually code expense-based invoice lines directly in capture, and Medius AI could eventually learn if there is X GL account listed on the invoice, this amount should be coded to that GL account. And if there's a GL account and a job code (another dimension) on an invoice, Medius should learn that and code automatically. The "Apply Latest Coding" and the excel upload are nice, but if a particular vendor has a lot of different possible GL codings and different…
6 votes -
6 votes
Capture Supplier from Purchase Order
We work with a large population of suppliers with multiple billing locations and to help us more efficiently capture the correct supplier, we would like a validation within the capture step to check if the PO captured matches the supplier vs waiting until the connect step. This would enable more auto-connections and reduce the number of invoices we invalidate and edit.
6 votes -
Capture Notification if non-conforming file type
When documents are received to Capture that are not pdf doc types, we are able to see that this happened.
However, if we receive an e-mail to capture that contains 2 documents, 1 as pdf, 1 as Excel, Word, etc, we cannot see that there was a non-conforming file submitted.
The pdf file is processed as an invoice to Flow. The non-conforming file is just lost.
6 votes -
Check on own VAT Number
We have several companies in our APA environment and it would be a great addition if we could have a field to scan our own VAT number (mandatory by law on the invoice) to see if the VAT Number used to invoice us matches the correct company. Some suppliers invoice to multiple companies and it has occurred in the past that they address an invoice to company X but use the VAT number of company Y.
6 votes
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