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  1. Would like to have a possibility to add a comment at a supplier. Which will come up in Capture when there is an invoice from that supplier.
    It can be a reminder of something to think about e.g that VAT should not be registered for just this supplier.

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  2. We would like the ability to select multiple invoices in Capture and then add the same label to all of them at once. Currently adding a label to each invoice individually is very time consuming.

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  3. To be able to add a name in a list, that have an instant impact to whom an invoice should be steered to.
    Today you can learn in Capture who an invoice should go to, but it takes 3 times per supplier before the system is learned. Would like to have a way where it's an instant impact.
    Example: Invoice for a company car and invoice should go to an administrator for coding and we are several persons who register invoices and if someone misses to learn the administrators name or their are a new administrator, it's time consuming with…

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  4. Currently in Capture the data cleaning functionality is active for three fields:

    Invoice number

    Order number, on header level

    Order number, on line item level

    We have issues with item numbers on order lines, where certain suppliers send invoices with spaces in the item numbers ex "269 609 019", in addition to pre or post prefixes as "343241JK" or "JK34523432" where the spaces always should be deleted, the "JK" post or pre suffix should always be deleted, etc. It would be great if Medius could learn this by supplier. As it is today, we need to manually connect these items…

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  5. We don´t have a need to know why invoices was deleted in Capture. And think that the question of why we deleted a document is only extra task and would like to be able to deactivate the question.

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  6. Sometimes we need to delete a bulk of either invoices that are sent wrong or are nok invoices at all. We would really like to be able to delete in one bulk. We have received over 7000 invoices from one supplier this weekend; the same invoices are resend over and over, and have to delete one by one. That cost a lot of work hours.

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  7. One function I miss is to be able to search among existing users in the system under the reference field in capture. Would help a lot when you get invoices without references or misspelled names.

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  8. I would like to have a button you can click on to select all lines. For example when Capture have captured a lot of rows which I want to delete. Today I have to delete one line at a time

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  9. Sometimes multiple lines add up to one line that needs to be captured to match a purchase order, and now those must be calculated in a separate calculator app or Excel then manually keyed into Medius. It would be helpful if we could do basic formulas (+, -, /, *) in quantity or amount fields.

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  10. We use capture to verify supplier invoices that we either have got on paper or as pdf.
    Several of the fields that we verify learns the adjustments we do and adopts.
    But for field organization number the system does not seem to learn. Some supplier does not have the organization number on their invoices, they only have the VAT number. In these cases, we delete SE in the beginning and 01) in the end. But that does the system never learn. Because of this we need to handle a lot of invoices manually in the same way. We would like…

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  11. One Supplier has a USD and a CAD bank that we must switch back and forth on due to the invoice currency.

    Medius doesn’t understand that if the invoice currency is USD, then it should choose the USD bank account and vice versa.
    Would like for Medius to understand that if it is one currency choose the bank that goes to that currency

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  12. Possibility to choose to apply credit invoice to all lines for quantity or amount.
    Now we need to have the amount as the quantity to be positive to apply credit invoice to all lines

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  13. I would like to add the button Mail in Capture. If you have a new vendor that needs to be created before verify the invoice - then it would be very helpful to add the mail-function in Capture. For example in Document import - you have this function.

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  14. I would like to hardcode stuff in capture so invoices dont get stuck when touchless i activetad

    Exempel 1
    If the supplier dont have a field for Rounding when there is no rounding capture get stuck becouse it cant find the field. I would like to tell the system that if no rounding is found make rounding green. Supplier specifikt

    Exempel 2
    If a invoice is a credit always make amount on rows and in the header in -
    Capture dont like when rows have both + and -. see attached file

    I would also like more information on how…

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  15. Add the VAT registration number of the supplier as selectable field in capture. By scanning the VAT registration number in Verify, you can match it with the correct supplier in the Master Data. Adding this field will improve the quality of the supplier selection, especially those suppliers that have multiple VAT registration numbers.

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  16. If a supplier enter the account and costcenter on the invoice as a text line, it would be good if this information could be transferred from "line items" in capture to the accounting string in Medius automatically.

    See enclosed pictures

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  17. There is no existing report on who the user was that deleted an incoming invoice prior to submitting to workflow. We have many users who can submit an incoming invoice. We've had many vendors report on late invoices that are not in the system. Only after running incoming report we show that they were received but rejected. We need to know who the user was and when the incoming document was deleted. Thank You

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  18. It would allow for a much greater level of automation of tedious coding strings in expense-based invoices if we could actually code expense-based invoice lines directly in capture, and Medius AI could eventually learn if there is X GL account listed on the invoice, this amount should be coded to that GL account. And if there's a GL account and a job code (another dimension) on an invoice, Medius should learn that and code automatically. The "Apply Latest Coding" and the excel upload are nice, but if a particular vendor has a lot of different possible GL codings and different…

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  19. Would like to be able to send "@User" comments from within incoming invoice. It currently doesn't bring in the user list. This would assist in directing and retaining questions from within the AP team on how certain invoices need to be captured.

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  20. A warning would be great to have in Capture if the invoice number is different to the serie on invoices that the supplier have on already existing invoices. This to avoid dates or other data to be verified which can lead to the same invoice being paid twice.

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