91 results found
Capture should allow us to change/customize the reason options that a document is being deleted in verify.
3 votes -
Do not select invoice automatically in Incoming Invoice inbox or allow filtering by the sender.
We have multiple users verifying invoices. When user goes to the inbox section of Medius and Incoming Invoice inbox is visible the first invoice on the list is automatically selected. This causes invoices to be blocked and not accessible for other users. Alternatively allow filtering (and saving that filter) the Incoming Inbox by sender's email. In our case sender is always the person who will verify the invoice and many times they find their document being blocked by someone else, just because that person just signed in to Medius.
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Show what filter choices that are in use
When I work with our lists under Incoming invoices I would like to se what filter choices I have appleid. Now I can only se that there is filter in use but not what selections that will affect what I can/work with for the moment.
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Posting order invoices with lines from Excel
Posting order invoices with lines from Excel
We get complex invoices with many order line rows and the order nr is in different places on the invoice, it would be easy if it was possible to take info from Excel and paste it to line rows, either in capture or in document import3 votes -
Invoice date
I think it should be a good idea to be able to set invoice date NOT to be later then todays date or maybe +1 day. Sometimes capture reads due date and that should be prevented if it is not allowed to set a invoice date before todays date.
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Changing supplier information behind the cog wheel in Capture
Our need: We have several accountants that work in Capture module. It happens quite often that an accountant opens up or closes some fields for a supplier behind the cog wheel. After a while another accountant changes these setups again for the same supplier. This is a problem when the setup for a supplier might change and sometimes are the changes contraproductive wrong...
Solution: There can be several ways to prevent this. One easy solution is to add a free text field behind the cog wheel for the supplier where we can inform our accountants if there is some specific…
3 votes -
Email Functionality in Incoming Invoice
We would like to see the "E-mail" functionality that is currently in Document Import be available in Incoming Invoice. See attached screenshot for reference.
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Capture text field from invoice to coding line
It would be great to have the ability to turn on/off for each supplier fields text1 to text5. These fields corresponds to the fields text1 to text5 on the coding line of the invoice.
E.g. if VIN(Vehicle Identification Number) number, or any other text relevant for coding, is written on the invoice this could be captured to field text1-text5. When sending the invoice to workflow this value would be transferred to field text1-text5 on the coding line on the invoice in Medius Flow.
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Capture price per unit
It would be good to be able to Capture price per unit on PO invoices and maybe compare this to the calculated ones. We sometime get very strange prices per unit and it could be a very useful step to find these errors early.
BR //Fredrik Dalmo2 votes -
Change received date to received timestamp in Incoming Invoice
In Incoming invoice inbox, add time the invoice was imported. This will help investigating import issues. This information is visible in workflow, but not in Capture, where it's very useful.
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Add Chinese as a supported OCR language
When will Medius add Chinese and other Asian languages to those which can be OCR'd?
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What device has been used when approving an invoice (PC, Iphone or Ipad)?
What device has been used when approving an invoice (PC, Iphone or Ipad)?
An report or query to show how is using what device.
Then accounting can instruct they who is not using all the possible devices to make it easyer and more effective for the user to approve an invioice.2 votes -
change Orderbased to Expense invoice during verify in Readsoft
Would be nice to be able to redirect an Orderbased invoice to an Expense invoice in Readsoft without invalidating or pushing into Medius
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Add contract number field in Capture
We would like to have the possibility to add and/or change a contract number for in Capture step (similar field as Order Number). These functionality would classify invoice as a Contract Based Invoice when contract number is added in Capture step.
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Clean up function
We would like a function where it could be possible to assign a "clean up rule" for certain suppliers and fields. This should apply on both captured pdf-invoices and for e-invoices.
We would use this functionality for emptying for instance order number field for a couple of suppliers and in some cases assigning a fixed value in some fields for instance contract number.
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Send suppliers quotations to CAPTURE to transform them in purchase requisition with metadata and image.
A purchase requisition can be initiated following a requirement/need already studied by one or more vendors.
For example, for IT consulting needs, quotations are requested and when the choice is done, the customer begins its purchase requisition / purchase order creation process.
So the idea would be to be able to send the quote in MF Capture to go through a verification step (like invoices in fact) before retrieving the imae and metadata throughout the order process.
This step would then become the first step of the procurement flow and would offer a significant time saving.2 votes -
search among existing users under the reference field
One function I miss is to be able to search among existing users in the system under the reference field in capture. Would help a lot when you get invoices without references or misspelled names.
1 vote -
Add the VAT registration number of the supplier as selectable field in capture
Add the VAT registration number of the supplier as selectable field in capture. By scanning the VAT registration number in Verify, you can match it with the correct supplier in the Master Data. Adding this field will improve the quality of the supplier selection, especially those suppliers that have multiple VAT registration numbers.
1 vote -
Learning adjustment of organization number
We use capture to verify supplier invoices that we either have got on paper or as pdf.
Several of the fields that we verify learns the adjustments we do and adopts.
But for field organization number the system does not seem to learn. Some supplier does not have the organization number on their invoices, they only have the VAT number. In these cases, we delete SE in the beginning and 01) in the end. But that does the system never learn. Because of this we need to handle a lot of invoices manually in the same way. We would like…1 vote -
Native language
Ønsker at fakturabildet som genereres fra EHF/XML kommer med språket som bruker benytter
1 vote
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