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    It would be great if we could design our own email templates. In Medius we have the email functionality but are not able to select "predefined templates". Also we do not have a track when a mail is send out by using Medius. In case we have an incorrect invoice, invoice in wrong company, invoice for which we need to request a proof of payment … now we need to send this from our personal inbox and nobody in the team can see what action is already done.

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  2. we have a large number of Inter-company invoices to handle. It should be handy if for this type of invoice /supplier we can avoid four eyes principle. And/Or have an opportunity to authorize all these invoice for selected (inter-company) suppliers in one action. (when you select these in inbox which have task authorize)

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  3. To change the comment icon so that it would display a New Comment! notification every time somebody writes a new comment on an invoice (e.g. the comment icon could be flagged, displayed in another colour or with an exclamation mark, etc.; in fact any visual means which would distinguish the invoice from hundreds of other invoices in our inboxes could work). The notification should disappear when somebody reads the comment.

    Now we only get notifications when somebody mentions us using @ in the comments section, but this function is rarely used. Moreover, there is no possibility to filter invoices based…

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  4. Should be able to have more options on reminders.
    - Weekdays (and ie also during workhours, then the weekends and evenings will be free from reminders.
    - Specific time
    - On specific business days

    Possibility to change the “Every 1d” to new option “Every 1 WORKING day” (or Business Hours). We experience that users delete notifications without looking especially on Mondays, because on Monday morning they receive 3 notifications (Saturday+Sunday+Monday) and we are not working on Saturday+Sunday.

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  5. If you have multiple views in your inbox (cost invoices, new invoices etc.), the system bugs and misses all invoices that are in the queue, but which are not visible in the window. In order for these invoices to be visible and processable, you have to click F5 and select "show to X" X = the number of invoices you have in the queue. Because these invoices will not be visable if you just click on "next invoice", because the system jump over invoices that are on "page 2".

    Om man har flera vyer/fönster (omkostnadsfakturor, import av dokument osv), så…

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  6. It would be great to have a possibility to filter the Inbox by currency (instead of just being able to sort the invoices).

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  7. Det skulle vara bra om man i inkorgen snabbt kan se om en faktura har eskalerats till en överordnad chef från förste attestanten.

    I MF 10.0 så blev det en pil framför fakturan vilket gjorde att chefen kunde se att denna faktura har förfallit och ej gjorts av första attestanten.

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  8. The inbox needs to be revamped. It is so hard when we are processing hundreds of invoices a day and there are items for review, distribution, final integration errors, etc. all under the same inbox.

    I think you should be able to have different headings and those invoices then fall under those headings. This would help make things more clear.

    I also think if you're an approver and supervisor - you should be able to see what was escalated to you vs what you need to approve vs what you need to review.

    Also, if you're mentioned in a comment…

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  9. We would like to be able to see comments when hovering over them in the inbox

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  10. I kolumner för indikationer där vi ser en pratbubbla om det finns en kommentar på fakturan. Att istället för att man ska behöva peka på pratbubblan för att se hur många kommentarer som finns, där kanske man istället kan lägga till en fast siffra direkt efter/innan pratbubblan för att indikera hur många kommentarer som finns på fakturan.

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  11. Be able to view orderer name in order based inbox as this would save time when having to send comment on invoice

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  12. The app: After handling an invoice, one should automatically enter the next invoice in the list, instead of going back out to the overview of all the invoices in ones inbox. This would speed up the authorization process.

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  13. Currently there is no function in the invoice inbox to create a filter to show invoices only from one/several companies. When working with invoices in several companies/divisions it should be possible to filter the inbox on company in "Create Filter".

    By typing the company name in the search field the filter becomes less correct, since invoices where the company is either supplier or receiver of the invoice will be shown in the inbox.

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  14. It would be good to have the possibility to predefine cost center on all users, so that when they receive invoices in their inbox they are already noted with CC.

    This will make it much easier to ensure correct accruals of open invoices at month end, especially if you have a need to split on CC on the accruals.
    As of now all open invoices that have been distributed, is listed with an empty cell for CC.

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  15. When you are delegatee and you have some specific roles assigned it happens that invoices appear twice in your inbox. This view is inconvenient and create a bad impression of important workload for end-user.
    Could it be possible to make the invoices appear only once if we keep the status messages when opening it?

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  16. It would be great to be able to comment roles in a commentbox.
    We work with roles setup for our departments where serveral employees work with all cases in a role inbox. So we want to be able to send an invoice comment to that role.

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  17. Current situation:

    1. Our approval workflow concept is organized that way, that the 2nd approver is identified by the user who is set as owner for dimension 2 (Cost Center).
    2. The user who is set as owner for dimension 2 (Cost Center) is the Cost Center owner as per our official Governance guideline, which allows that Cost Center owners can be the same person (user) for a. the same Cost Center across multiple entities or b. several Cost Centers for one entity or c. several Cost Centers for several or all entities.
    3. Cost Center owners in such multiple ownership scenario want…
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  18. Vill själv kunna ändra ordningen på kolumnerna i inkorgen. Så att t.ex. fakturadatum o förfallodag kommer först eller iallafall efter "uppgift". Men bäst om man själv kan bestämma ordningen på kolumnerna.

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  19. Currently there is no function to send a (separate) reminder/mail notification to a user AND his/her boss in case, that an invoice is untreated within a certain time frame standalone.
    There is just a function to push forward this invoice to the user's superior (manager) combined with a mail notification on that. Basically this function is good but it might be unwished or unnecessary to do so, in particular if this process would lead that all untreated invoices are ending up in top management's inbox for action.
    Better would it be to have a standalone reminder to the approver and…

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  20. As an Admin i would like to, when i look under Dashboard on the invoices that have been distributed, be able to click somewhere, a button "Return for distibution" and bring the invoice back to my inbox.
    Now that option only exists when the invoice is back for Post Control.

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