delegation to other user should be possible also on singular dimension level (e.g. for dimension 2 cost center)
Current situation:
- Our approval workflow concept is organized that way, that the 2nd approver is identified by the user who is set as owner for dimension 2 (Cost Center).
- The user who is set as owner for dimension 2 (Cost Center) is the Cost Center owner as per our official Governance guideline, which allows that Cost Center owners can be the same person (user) for a. the same Cost Center across multiple entities or b. several Cost Centers for one entity or c. several Cost Centers for several or all entities.
- Cost Center owners in such multiple ownership scenario want now to delegate their right to approve/act on invoices in addition to them or instead of them to different users: a. for the same Cost Center => to a different user in different entities b. for different Cost Centers in one entity => to a different user per Cost Center in this entity c. for different Cost Centers for several entities => to a different user per Cost center and per entity
- Temporary delegation (Absence handling) function cannot be used for that purpose because it allows only to delegate all your rights (in this case for all cost centers) to another user only on company or Root level however not for a specific dimension in above outlined multiple ownership scenario (see 3.).
- A delegation for a specific dimension on specific level from a user to another is not possible with current system function. This is however required from a. operational need – different users might handle in delegation scenario different cost centers in different entities b. Governance point of view which expects that any delegation of ownership are done by the user (owner of the cost center) him-/herself in a clear, transparent and traceable way for each responsibility (ownership/right) the user has.
Required situation:
- It should be possible to delegate user rights to approve/act on an invoice in temporary delegation (absence handling) function not only for all companies (Root) or on company level however also on dimension level
- The delegation on dimension level should be possible both for all companies (Root) or for a specific company to a different user in the same time period to cover a multiple ownership scenario
- The delegation should work in same way as temporary delegation and move all invoices assigned to the dimension owner (= user who delegated) also into the inbox of the user who is set to be the delegation. Both the user who delegated and the user who is set to be the delegation should be able to act on the invoice (approve or reject, review etc.)
- The act of delegation should be logged, that the information <who> has delegated <when> (= time when delegation was set) <which type of delegation> for <which level/company/dimension> to <which user (delegatee)> for which time period (<start date>, <end date>). This log information should be available to create reports in dashboard or reporting tool (advance search, reporting function) for monitoring and audit purpose.
Gerhard Bachl
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