270 results found
Ability to export supplier address information from Medius or Readsoft
Medius and Readsoft have all of this information, our tax team would love to be able to export this in a consistent, user-friendly format to assist with tax filings/audits. Readsoft seems to have the information in the best form, but the excel plug-in that lets you pull reports from Readsoft does not include the ability to export master data.
1 vote -
Task Completion includes all Invoices
I recently learned the Task Completion Time by User/Role only shows the invoices that were also created in that time frame. I would like to see a report that shows completion time for all invoices no matter when they were created or when they are being posted. I haven't figured out how to make this possible in a custom report either.
5 votes -
Dashbord Filter/function
Be able to filter by
invoice type
or open invoices.An ordinary user should easily be able to search for:
Invoice number [our and supplier's],
Supplier name
Invoice date [from -to]
Message [all fields-part of field]
Request date [from-to]
Invoice ID
Case number
Order number
Supplier page
Invoice amount [from-to]
Due date [from-to]
Verification date [from-to]
Race number
Accounting date [from-to]
Payment date [from-to]
Pre-booking date [from-to]
Def booking date [from-to]
Import date [from-to]
Bundle date [from-to]
Bundle number
All attestations
Invoice status.All fields must be searchable using part of words, where *…
5 votes -
Extend filter options on dashboards
Add filter options for current handler, current task to dashboards such as 'open invoices'
5 votes -
Download reports as PDFs
Customers would like to be able to download reports as PDFs not just as excel documents. Can this be made an option?
5 votes -
As part of fraud protection, we would like to identify who and when (non-approved) tolerances of suppliers / companies have changed.
Different possibilities are required to investigate:
- reports, showing what tolerances are set per supplier / company
- business log files, showing who and when certain tolerances have changed5 votes -
reporting tool - have report on dimension responsible available
In advance search we can create a report that shows us who is the (dimension) responsible for a certain dimension value (on which level). Since we use dimension as central assignment key in our workflow, the monitoring of the settings on these values is a key for us. In new reporting tool such report does not exist. When we need to migrate from advance search to new reporting function this report must be supported.
The report should contain following data:- [Medius] Dimension value (1,2,…6)
- Dimension [Dimension name, external id]
- (Dimension) Status
- (Dimension) Company
- Dimension responsible [user name]
- Imported Time stamp
18 votes -
Possibility to "release/unlock" the invoice from user.
It would be good, to add option to specially "release/unlock" invoice from your user, if you close that invoice.
Currently system is keeping invoice locked to user for several minutes, even after it has been closed and does not allow editing invoice by other users.
Often urgent actions are needed by others and no time to wait, before other users are able to proceed.28 votes -
Reporting: Be able to retrieve the reason why the invoice was stuck in Connect
For all Open, and possible Archived, invoices I would like to retrieve the reason why the invoice wasn't touchless.
Eg: "No IO found"
Currently it's possible, via the reporting tool, to extract how each row was connected but it's not possible to find out why this wasn't done automatically.
Perhaps this information could be available in the 'History' as well.
9 votes -
Possibility to time set a user
It would be great with the possibility to set an "expiration date" on a user, so that the user will not be able to log in (inactivated) after a specific date. This would be a great security aspect connected to for example consultants that should be using Medius for a short time period.
9 votes -
TAX Control
Default value in the TAX control sholuld be scanned TAX and not calculated because in most o the case it is the scanned tax there is correctly.
Default vid momskontroll borde vara tolkad moms och inte framräknad, då den tolkade momsen i 99% av fallen stämmer. Den framräknade momsen ska istället ligga som en notis som man kan klicka på för att acceptera. Idag får man manuellt skriva tillbaka den tolkade momsen, vilket tar tid och är en stor potentiell felkälla maa handpåläggningen.
4 votes -
set your temporary delegation via Mobile app
It would be added value if mobile users had the option to set and maintain their temporary delegation, through the mobile app (for when they already left for vacation or turned sick and don't have access to their computer).
24 votes -
User Summary of Responsible values
It would be helpful if there was a spot in the user's profile that showed which dimension values they are responsible for and who they are set up to supervise. This would make it much easier when we have an employee leave so I know what needs to be changed before I make them inactive.
8 votes -
Kunna söka på nuvarande ärendehanterare
Jag skulle vilja att man kan sortera på nuvarande ärendehanterare i dashboarden öppna fakturor.
I tidigare versioner av MediusFlow så kunde man göra detta vilket underlättar om man som systemansvarig skall hjälpa till att hitta en faktura.
Det vore även bra om man från flaskhals skulle kunna få upp de fakturor som respektive användare har.
Även om man kunde få se alla användare på samma sida. Finns ingen möjlighet att välja att man vill se mer än 15 st åt gången.10 votes -
One should be able to bulk move invoices from one user to another
One should be able to bulk move invoices from one user to another.
76 votes -
A document validation rule on "invoice date"
In order to increase our automatic posting, we would like to ask if it is possible to create a document validation rule based on invoice date?
Today it already exists for “stamp date”, and the request should look exactly the same, but than for “invoice date”.Reason: For Italian companies, coding needs to be changes manually if the invoice gets booked in another year. (Invoices still to be booked with invoice date before 01/01/2020)
1 vote -
Make it possible to sort on all columns in dashboards
Currently it's possible to sort your dashboard search result on many columns e.g. vendor, dates, amounts etc. However it's not possible to sort on all columns and it would be very beneficial if you could also sort on columns like current task and current handler...or simply make it possible to sort on all columns. I know it's possible in reports but sometimes you just quickly want to have the option to do it in the dashboard as well.
37 votes -
et finns ett behov att lägga till ett ytterligare periodurval i rapportverktyget. Det finns idag inte något fördefinerat urval i rapportverk
et finns ett behov att lägga till ett ytterligare periodurval i rapportverktyget.
Det finns idag inte något fördefinerat urval i rapportverktyget för att kunna schemalägga en rapport som visar Rullande 12 månader från föregående månadsskifte.
T ex har vi en rapport som visar genomsnittlig ledtid Rullande 12 månaders genomsnitt för den avslutade perioden.
I CFO dashboard finns det ett motsvarande nyckeltal som visar 365 dagars rullande genomsnitt men utan att kunna välja att visa resultatet tom föregående månad som nyckeltal.
1 vote -
Numeric fields should be right-justified
Numerics fields are right-justified in most systems and countries. It should be like that at least when using swedish format, in all dashboards, reports etc.
3 votes -
Possibility to include the Comment field to the Advanced Search report
It should be possible to add the Comment field to the Advanced Search report (first page where you search for the correct document). This would make it easier to find the correct document since you would have an overview of all the comments, without having to click in to the document.
7 votes
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