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  1. Förslaget är att dem utvecklar vidare mobilklienten/alt. utvecklar en app för mediusflow där alla nuvarande funktioner finns men där även användare med funktionaliteten ”Slutkontroll” kan se, korrigera och slutboka fakturorna utan att va bunden till en dator/laptop. I dagsläget går det endast att se fakturor man har för egen attest, per användare. Tänker att dem borde kunna slå på den rollen så det är ”mina uppgifter” likt en attest? Det är ju en form av slutattest.

    Vi på ekonomiavdelningen har ju absolut mest fakturor att hantera i hela organisationen så vi bör ju prioriteras upp så man kan hantera lite…

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  2. Have an option for the system to remember you login ID without having to remember your password so we don't have to type out login ID everytime.

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  3. There should be an option SWIFT or BIC code for supplier identifiers. All payment systems don't understand the "other" option as SWIFT code.

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  4. It would be convenient if besides delegating the "user", the "user+role" we could have an option to delegate combinations including the authorization groups and the roles of the person we are trying to delegate.
    When a manager leaves on vacation and he wants one of his employees to take over, it would be convenient if he could assign roles and authorization groups to this person. This removes the need for admin to make sure delegated users have the roles and authorization groups needed to actually cover for someone on holiday.

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  5. When a notification is sent from a comment in MediusFlow, it would be beneficial to see the PO # and Invoice #. This will alleviate the need to click on the Open Document field in order to identify the Invoice #.

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  6. Good Afternoon

    we have had a number of customers ask if its possible to extend the timeout timeframe when working in Medius AP, could this be made a configurable option by those with the Admin role?

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  7. Users should have access to edit their own accounting templates and share them to other users.

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  8. Current requestors for user accounts do not have report access to the user related data because that's hard coded restricted to admin and user admin roles. We think these requestors should be able to see the current user setup (supervisors / authorization groups / roles) to allow them to make proper new user account requests.

    We would like to have the access to the user data sources be brought to one or more roles so we can assign these roles to the decentral user access requestors and restrict the access to their own companies.

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  9. In invoice handling steps it would be good with a link to the purchase order for easy access to all information when necessary.

    Vid fakturahanteringen skulle det finnas en länk till inköpsordern för att enkelt nå all information om den.

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  10. It would be a timesaver if we could get an email every time a new user is imported to Medius and when a user ends up in Import managent as not successful.

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  11. We’d like to advocate for the SAML 2.0 Single Sign On Authentication feature to be implemented in the near future. It would make things simpler and more secure for our users.

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  12. Currently only admin roles can see the Custom Fields tab.

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  13. It would be great, if we could inactivate the user without the prior need to remove all Supplier & Dimension responsibilities. There could be additional popup for security reasons, to confirm and then deactivating user, removes all the their responsibilities also.
    Today if we want to deactivate users, only way is to remove manually first all the responsibilities. And this can be quite time consuming.

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  14. I want to be able to set up that a specific supplier gets a specific label by default. In the same way that we can set a specific exaptions types by default for each suppliers for example.
    Our procurment team connect/match the invoices from diffrent suppliers and they use the labels to mark that this invoice is mine and can then sort on that label to see just thier invoices from the diffrent suppliers. If we can get this function they don't need to add the labels them self this will be automatic and save them time.

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  15. Hello,
    I am raising this idea on behalf of customers that use API rules taking place after invoices capture. Today customers cannot adminitrate this API rule and it is a feature I would like to add in our administrator rights.

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  16. It should be possible to create a role and define availability so a user can be e.g. Read Only but not perform action on the task.

    We have a specific issue that some users should be allowed read only for e.g. the Access Key added to the role 'Integration queue handler role', so they can see invoices in integration status, but not change/press any buttons.

    There is currently no availability to make create a read only role covering this.

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  17. We have done an analysis of the most common reason for invoices stopping in the document import. We see that the most common reason is due to duplicate suppliers in ERP(Suppliers with identical org.number and bank account/IBAN). Also several suppliers use the same banck account(Suppliers using factoring). By deleting duplicates from ERP, and setting suppliers inactive in Medius Flow we can do a lot, but in a large system with a lot of franchises which changes employees quite regularly duplicates is a recurring problem.

    To solve this issue, a "Smart" supplier match would be great. When the invoice is imported…

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  18. I would like a feature which enabled you to bulk update the suppliers in Medius Flow from an excel sheet.

    We have a case where we need to add VAT nr. for our Norwegian suppliers for matching purposes in Medius Flow. However, we can't add this value in ERP due to the usage of this value in tax calculation etc. To bypass this we could have done a one time update from excel of all suppliers with corresponding VAT nr directly in Medius.

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  19. Provide a notes section on the User Enterprise tab so the administrator can document Authorization Group exceptions granted to a user.

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  20. In our environment, MediusFlow application authenticates using SSO. The logout option in MediusFlow does not trigger a Global Log Out. In the event where a user clicks the log out button on a shared device and does not close the browser, the application can be accessed by whoever uses the shared device next, with permissions to approve / reject pending invoices and browse past workflow items. This is a security issue and must be fixed by MediusFlow.

    There is a risk that a vendor could send fraudulent invoices and work together with an employee to approve these and initiate payments.…

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