75 results found
Sort dimension in attest group
When you apply dimensions in an attest group I would like it to automatically be sorted by number. With many different dimension in each group it is easy to register a dimension twice and the list is unnecessarily long. It would be easy to see that all dimension is correct if the list is in number order.
2 votes -
Automatic currency control on the currency on the supplier invoice versus the supplier's currency in the financial system.
Automatisk valutakontroll på valutan på leverantörsfakturan kontra leverantörens valuta i ekonomisystemet.
13 votes -
Read Only "User Emulation"
Admin to have the ability to "emulate" a User's screen so that they can see if there is an upgrade needed to provide additional access to the User. This would be "Read Only" so that we could not "code and approve"
12 votes -
Admin section
The admin section should not be open to ordinary users. Although they cannot change anything, the dialogue is confusing and they do not need to be able to see all the information. For better illustration, see Ascendo's function.
Admindelen bör inte vara öppen/läsbar för vanliga användare. Även om de inte kan ändra något, så är dialogen förvirrande samt att de behöver inte kunna se all information som ligger upplagd.
12 votes -
Easier create+maintain follow-up groups
When using follow-up groups we have to create follow-up groups containing dozens of suppliers. On creation, each supplier has to be added by hand one at a time. After creation, maintaining the suppliers in de created group is difficult beacause sorting of suppliers seems random and not all suppliers lists in one screen so you need to scroll through the suppliers. Also finding if a supplier is (already) listed in this list is just searching by hand in dozens of suppliers.
Also possibility of using wildcards on supplier fields to add/include multiple suppliers would be handy.1 vote -
Att kunna kopiera ut från Mediusflow till Excel och inte bara tvärtom
Att kunna kopiera ut från Medius till Excel och inte bara tvärtom
7 votes -
Ability to make users inactive when they have open documents
Currently users cannot be made inactive when they have open documents. This creates audit issues when an employee has been terminated.
- User can be made inactive
- Maybe a function to bulk transfer their open documents to another user21 votes -
Possibility to "release/unlock" the invoice from user.
It would be good, to add option to specially "release/unlock" invoice from your user, if you close that invoice.
Currently system is keeping invoice locked to user for several minutes, even after it has been closed and does not allow editing invoice by other users.
Often urgent actions are needed by others and no time to wait, before other users are able to proceed.28 votes -
Possibility to time set a user
It would be great with the possibility to set an "expiration date" on a user, so that the user will not be able to log in (inactivated) after a specific date. This would be a great security aspect connected to for example consultants that should be using Medius for a short time period.
9 votes -
TAX Control
Default value in the TAX control sholuld be scanned TAX and not calculated because in most o the case it is the scanned tax there is correctly.
Default vid momskontroll borde vara tolkad moms och inte framräknad, då den tolkade momsen i 99% av fallen stämmer. Den framräknade momsen ska istället ligga som en notis som man kan klicka på för att acceptera. Idag får man manuellt skriva tillbaka den tolkade momsen, vilket tar tid och är en stor potentiell felkälla maa handpåläggningen.
4 votes -
One should be able to bulk move invoices from one user to another
One should be able to bulk move invoices from one user to another.
76 votes -
A document validation rule on "invoice date"
In order to increase our automatic posting, we would like to ask if it is possible to create a document validation rule based on invoice date?
Today it already exists for “stamp date”, and the request should look exactly the same, but than for “invoice date”.Reason: For Italian companies, coding needs to be changes manually if the invoice gets booked in another year. (Invoices still to be booked with invoice date before 01/01/2020)
1 vote -
Notifikationer ska kunna ställas in per bolag
Hej, jag tycker att man ska kunna ställa in notifikationer per bolag. Som det är nu så går de ut till alla då vår även personer som inte är berörda av detta mail.
1 vote -
User - add field 'last logon date'
have an additional field "last logon date" on the user would be a great asset, as it would allow us to manage the inactive users and be compliant with the security policies. This field should be available in the reports so we can build reports on users who have not logged on for more than X months.
22 votes -
search suppliers
Users should only get hit on suppliers that they have invoices from. It is not necesarry that they can see all suppliers. or example, invoices for specific occupational health care, as it can, reveal the health status of their colleagues.
Användarna ska endast få träff på leverantörer som de har fått fakturor från. Det angår inte en vanlig användare att företaget får fakturor från tex företagshälsovård, då det tex kan avslöja deras kollgors hälsotillstånd, eller att vi köper in från flera olika leverantörer osv.
1 vote -
Catch duplicates regardless of company number
We would like to see the system catch duplicate invoice numbers across all companies
11 votes -
Ability to connect multiple namnes/alias to one user
It would be great to have the possibility to connect multiple names/alias to one user. For example on an invoice the reference can be a car registration number. In this case we want to scan the reg number as reference and then on the user in MediusFlow say that User A has this number as an alias. So reference: ABC123 is an alias for User A and there if ABC123 is the invoice reference the invoice can automatically be distributed to User A. The alias should be handled on the user in MediusFlow so the user admins easy can add…
15 votes -
Add criteria in Advanced restriction rules for order based vs expense invoices
Add the option on advanced restriction rules to activate for all invoices, order based invoices or non order-based (expense) invoices only.
The rules on dimensions should not apply in the same way whether the coding is manual in MediusFlow, or coming from Purchase orders where they can be defaulted in the ERP.
Same with mandatory dimensions, which is redundant with the ERP if made mandatory in Medius for order-based, but should apply for expense non-order based.1 vote -
Label management in bulk operation
Hello, It could be good to add in the bulk operations the possibility to manage labels on invoices.
Thank you
Kind regards9 votes -
Have the ability to save settings on the main User screen
so you could save the setting to default to active users and not all users
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?