Avancerad sökning export av PDF
I gadget fakturor kan jag exportera fakturor utifrån mina val till PDF, det vill jag även kunna göra när jag skapat en avancerad sökning.
Emily Zhang commented
Hi Thomas,
I am thinking about the same thing.
The gadget has limited function.
Whereas, under advanced search, I can add columns, and filter by final booking dates, voucher number etc.
I hope the pdf function could be added to advanced search.
What filtering is it that you are unable to do in the Invoice search gadget so that you have to use Advanced Search?
Thanks! -
Thomas Kristiansen commented
Thank you for that info.
Exactly what i would like in the advanced search function also. -
We currently have that possibility in the gadget “Invoices”. There you can select a group of invoices and export the images to on PDF-file
Thomas Kristiansen commented
When I have identified a group of invoices in "advanced search" I would like the ability for Medius to export all these invoices into ONE pdf file.
As it is now, i have to manually print them one by one.
This will be a great feature when printing/saving a lot of invoices for documentation outside of Medius, as an example for public accountants.