91 results found
Show total deviation to approve per approver on the invoice and if and/or to which next approver it will be sent to.
Our approvers would like to understand which of their approved invoices will be sent for further approval and why it will be sent further. Therefore, showing the total deviation per approver will give this clear overview. Next to that, they also would like to know to whom it will be sent (if it goes to the president, than they have the possibility to prepare the case.)
8 votes -
Prevent Analyzer from NOT accepting a deviation in our favor
I think it would make a lot of sense to have a dialogue popping up in a scenario where a user does NOT approve of a deviation in their favor. I.e. there is a negative deviation that they are rejecting. Similar to how we have a dialogue asking the user if they really want to push an order based invoice past the Connect step.
I cannot think of a whole lot of scenarios where it makes sense to not take the more favorable price given by the supplier, but there might be some. Tolerances would not always have these go…
1 vote -
To open invoices in Medius not in PDF with Koppla rader/Fakturabild
After pressing the button Koppla rader/Fakturabild (when booking order-based invoices) to get the invoice open in Medius (picture After) instead of a separate pdf which does not automatically close when you move to another invoice; this consequently results in a list of open pdfs (picture Before) on your screen = waste of time and a big inconvenience trying to close them all (have in mind that you can press x and close them while they are listed vertically, but after you are done with the majority of them the list becomes horizontal with pdfs of different sizes depending on how…
2 votes -
Copy purchase order (PO) data easily
It would be great to have a possibility to easily copy purchase order data (order no, article number/name, etc.) to be able to quickly search for/check things in other systems, share information in comments/excel/emails. Now both single and double click performs the same function - marks the whole line.
1 vote -
Discount column when editing an orderbased invoice
Sometimes invoices are scanned as the wrong type of invoice, e.g. Expense instead of Orderbased.
When one is "invalidating and editing" an invoice I would wish for a discount column between the unit price column and total amount column.
We have several suppliers from which we get different discounts. When one writes the unit price, the total amount becomes erroneous since there is no way to enter the discount.
A possibility to enter the discount percentage would make editing more efficient since one would not have to sit and calulate the right total amount by oneself.
Petra4 votes -
Eliminate double handling of non-trade (2-way match) invoice approvals
At present, PO invoices with a deviation between the invoice and the PO must be approved by a manager, and thereafter must still go back to a “coordinator” or the same manager to confirm the service receipt.
The proposal is to eliminate this double handling – once a manager has approved an invoice deviation, there is as at the same time confirmation of the service receipt – no further approval/confirmation should be necessary. This second confirmation/approval should be bypassed.
2 votes -
On the Connection screen; show remaining unconnected amount
Today only invoice total and connected total are shown, but in order to more easily find the correct purchase order to add to connection, the amount that is remaining should be visible.
3 votes -
Display supplier reference number in header of connect mode
It will facilitate matching with condtion lines.
1 vote -
4EP for deviations analysis
Apply same logic as Expense invoices that insure deviation will be approved by 2 user at least with no need to setup specific deviation approval limits.
2 votes -
Automatic approval of low dollar PPV's. We want to set a dollar amount for automatic approval for all order based invoices.
Automatic approval of low dollar PPV's for order based invoices. Company sets value and if value is below the set value it will automatically be approved and move to post control
1 vote -
Tolerance per order reference
Our business (freight forwarding) would really benefit from being able to set tolerance per order reference instead of only per line or head, since in MANY cases the number of invoices lines are not equal to number of PO lines. If the invoices only refers to one order it can be connected on head level - but in all cases where there are multiple references on the invoice we have a problem. And if matching those on head level, deviation has to be approved by ONE user even though it should have been several.
1 vote -
change the way of how you connect the invoice rows
well i was connecting some order based invoices at work and then i needed to change the way i connect the rows between D, T and A but the invoice had so many rows and it took me som time to change all the rows from D to T, i wished that there was an option to do that manuelly for all rows, because right now medius does it automaticly for the rows that have exact amount of money as in the Po order line! see my attachment,,,
Thank you and have a wonderfull christmas
Ali Al-Saadi6 votes -
Don´t auto-connect invoices with purchase orders when on review
When invoice is on review, don´t let the system auto-connect it to a purchase order.
As the invoice is on review it mostly means (for us) that we need some kind of answer, or even action, before connecting and sending it further into the system. As the system ends the review and auto-connect we instantly have to re-send it on review and we also take a risk to forget about the invoice in the large flow of invoices.6 votes -
Ensure that PO based invoices are fully balanced when in Post Control step
We have found that PO based invoices appearing in Post Control are not always fully balanced. This might be due to that e.g. a freight cost has not been coded/caught by any exception. We would like unbalanced PO based invoices to be haltered and managed in the Analyze step (as in Mediusflow 10) so that in our case the Procurement department are forced to book/accept e.g. the freight cost.
Since it is our Finance department in some of our subsidiaries who final book PO based invoices they are not always aware if any un-coded freight cost is OK to pay…28 votes -
Det vore bra om man kunde korrigera/rätta en inläst rad på varufakturor i de fall tolkningen blivit felaktigt
Det vore bra om man kunde korrigera/rätta en inläst rad på en varufaktura ifall tolkningen skulle blivit felaktigt. Eller alternativt kunna lägga till (skapa) en ny rad och ta bort en felaktigt.
Detta för att undvika att behöva makulera och läsa in en faktura på nytt i onödan.25 votes -
Tax code Visible when Manually connecting orders to invoice
Today we can't see (in the connection step) the tax code related to the orders imported to Medius.
We can see that first in Analyze step.
For us in our daily work it help us a lot to be able to see the tax code already in the connection step.
The information is already in Medius, we just need the possibility to add that column in that view.5 votes -
Improve connect step history information - add connection maker
Today MediusFlow does not record who is making connection but who is pushing invoice further in flow (hitting "Connection done" button in that case).
If you enable automatic connection then you cannot access all invoice history and only see what the system has done but not users.6 votes -
Vid avvikelse - inte behöva klicka i rutan för vidaredistribution.
Om jag vill distribuera vidare exempelvis en prisdiff på en varufaktura, och i detta fall trycker på "varningstriangeln", vill jag inte behöva klicka i rutan där jag ska skriva namnet på den personen fakturan ska till. Om jag har tryckt "Distribuera vidare" vill jag ju direkt kunna skriva ett namn och inte först klicka i rutan. Störande moment som borde vara lätt fixat!
4 votes -
6 votes
Redistribute button for analyze tasks to work in the same way that the redistribute works for Connect tasks
Redistribute button for analyze tasks to work in the same way that the redistribute works for Connect tasks
3 votes
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