42 results found
The ability to change your default font permanently in the system
The current default font is too small to read.
3 votes -
Storing supplier contact details that are not Supplier Users
The supplier records are supposed to be a central repository however it only allows supplier contacts to be Supplier Users. There should be a separate place within the central supplier records to add supplier contacts for information only that do not need to be Supplier Users (and don't need to receive any auto-generated emails, logins, etc). For example, a supplier account manager may be a Supplier User but a member of the Delivery team, Customer Success team, Project Manager (where we may need easy access to their contact information - job title, email, tel) will unlikely need to be a…
3 votes -
User Report Addition - Supplier Account Name
User and roles report within embedded reports should include Supplier Account Name as an additional field (for supplier users).
2 votes -
Automatically log in internal buyer users to Demand Capture
Have an option to automatically log in or force log in for internal buyer users when they create procurement requests in Demand Capture. (Because if they are not logged in when they create the request then they cannot edit the request later.)
2 votes -
Enable Procurement requests to be linked to Sourcing events and Contracts
It would be great if Procurement Requests could be linked to Sourcing Events and Contracts, e.g. via a hyperlink, so that you can more easily view the original request that triggered the sourcing event or contract. Alternatively, could the Procurement Request be added as a file to the subsequent sourcing event and contract.
3 votes -
Restricting access based on user permissions
It would be nice to have an option to restrict questions and supplier responses from different stakeholders and scorers within the eSourcing event.
This would help sensitive commercial items be hidden from technical users who aren't meant to see it!2 votes -
Develop capability for suppliers to download questions onto excel as well as pdf.
There isn't an export into excel feature for Suppliers - PDF only . Most suppliers need to collate details from various others and this shared media would be easier and aligns to how other organisations with sourcing portals operate.
5 votes -
Supplier has been asked to provide their consent second time for the attachments they have already accessed and acknowledged.
Client raised issue:
Supplier has been asked to provide their consent second time for the attachments they have already accessed and acknowledged. Please see attached.
2 votes -
Questionnaire Library - Move Folders
The ability to move folders / sub-folders within the Questionnaire Library would be useful either via a 'drag and drop' option or a folder 'edit' choice selection.
5 votes -
Individual Evaluator Score and Commentary Report
There are pre-configured reports for Header/Section level views of scoring (under Responses Tab) and question level scoring reports under the "Analysis" tab but what is missing is the next level down, individual evaluator scores and commentary reports split by questions across suppliers.
The key use of these would be as a quick and easy view for consensus scoring sessions. Without a bespoke report the only way to achieve this today is to view a question at a time using "scoring overview".
3 votes -
All Procurement Requests view - set default to hide Completed requests
Could there be a way to set a default view for All Procurement Requests? Ideally I would like to filter out Complete requests by default, instead of having to enable the filter each time I look at the list.
2 votes -
Improve format of Download Comments on RfX response
Re: the Excel file that is produced when you Download Comments in an RfX response - can the columns containing the scorers' comments be formatted to wrap text and automatically resize the row so that the full comment is readable without having to reformat the Excel file first?
2 votes -
Quick Quotes email templates
Emails currently only have the subject name. It would be great for our suppliers to see what the actual quick quote request is for, so if we could add more details by adjusting the email templates (to include job number/project name/qty/ delivery date).
3 votes -
Quick Quotes - Communication Tab
A communication tab (similar in function to the comms tab in a sourcing event) would be extremely useful.
Whilst in theory Quick Quotes shouldn't require any communication in reality this isn't always the case and whilst additional 'notes' can be added whilst a QQ is live the ability to 'communicate' with potential bidders isn't available within the platform.
3 votes -
Demand capture - Report
Provide a report that exports the demand capture data including standard information such a requester details, request details, status, assigned user etc.
3 votesThanks for your suggestion. We have chosen to move forward with this idea as part of our roadmap. Please keep an eye on our Success Portal for further updates.
Need Ability To Edit Supplier Contacts In Closed Events
Currently, when an event other than a PQQ is in closed status the "Suppliers" tab is no longer visible. This means that for ITTs / RFxs you cannot amend the supplier contacts after the event has closed.
This creates an issue where suppliers need new users adding to their account for holiday cover or change of contact during continued contract negotiation or ahead of further clarification questions.
The "Suppliers" tab should remain accessible and editable no matter what status the event is in.
2 votes -
Export RFX data
Format the Export RFx Data as Supplier name in column A, questions as row 1 and answers then in rows for each supplier. This makes doing additional analysis easier once exporting the data.
This would be good to have as well as the current export format, as the current format includes scoring and ranking, but the table of just questions and answers would be beneficial too.
3 votes -
Introduce customisabel reports for new supplier onboarding (& RFX)
Currently there's only one way to download our reporting around setting up our new vendors. We found the Export RFX Data report, but unfortunately this cannot be amended as this is used across your whole client portfolio. We therefore would like to raise this a a Road Map item to be considered by RnD.
6 votes -
Event Alert Report
Create a report that allows you to select a specific event within sourcing, SRFs included, that outlines all the event alerts, the intended recipient, trigger date, reminder frequency and trigger offset
2 votes -
- Back button in sourcing
- Back button in admin centre so it does not go back to beginning (dashboard) and you have to start searching from the beginning when looking at responses in sourcing.
9 votes
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