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  1. MediusCapture: We do not have the possibility to choose a vendor by typing in the supplier-account-no. You can only see this number in the settings of the supplier. But as we have more vendors with the same name in different locations, it would be great to have the possibility to choose the right vendor in MediusCapture just by typing in our supplier-account-no or at least if the number would be visible within the suppliers name in Capture.

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  2. Would be nice to be able to redirect an Orderbased invoice to an Expense invoice in Readsoft without invalidating or pushing into Medius

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  3. We would like a function where it could be possible to assign a "clean up rule" for certain suppliers and fields. This should apply on both captured pdf-invoices and for e-invoices.

    We would use this functionality for emptying for instance order number field for a couple of suppliers and in some cases assigning a fixed value in some fields for instance contract number.

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  4. f the invoice line starts on page 1, but the article number is on page 2, Medius can neither read this automatically, nor do we have the possibility to mark the article number manually. Would be good to have as it would make invoice processing easier. Also Capture always reads invoice lines from the header or the bottom of an invoice, we always have to check and delete these lines manually.

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  5. inserting lines is complicated because Capture always tries to find a new item line itself. When we want to add more than one line we have to press the +Button and OK for several times. When we just need one line, but Capture finds more than one line, Capture adds more lines and we have to delete the ones that are redundant. Would be better to have empty lines by just pressing the +Button.

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  6. like "delete spaces / do not show spaces", "only accept numbers in a field" etc.

    For example in the header field "Purchase Order" it would be helpful to have this functuality so we could define that a PO always has 10 characters and only numbers.

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  7. No matter how many TaxSubTotal nodes an XML file has, the UBL mapper is only fetching the NET amount from the first TaxSubTotal node.
    Currently we have four cases where suppliers have send OIOUBL invoices with multiple TaxSubTotal nodes, the result of this is, the wrong NET amount is shown in MediusFlow.

    According to Othman Abo Salah, there could be made a simple change, if multiple TaxSubTotal nodes are present, the NET amount should be a total of all of them.

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  8. No matter how many TaxSubTotal nodes an XML file has, the UBL mapper is only fetching the NET amount from the first TaxSubTotal node.
    Currently we have four cases where suppliers have send OIOUBL invoices with multiple TaxSubTotal nodes, the result of this is, the wrong NET amount is shown in MediusFlow.

    According to Othman Abo Salah, there could be made a simple change, if multiple TaxSubTotal nodes are present, the NET amount should be a total of all of them.

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  9. A purchase requisition can be initiated following a requirement/need already studied by one or more vendors.
    For example, for IT consulting needs, quotations are requested and when the choice is done, the customer begins its purchase requisition / purchase order creation process.
    So the idea would be to be able to send the quote in MF Capture to go through a verification step (like invoices in fact) before retrieving the imae and metadata throughout the order process.
    This step would then become the first step of the procurement flow and would offer a significant time saving.

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  10. Would like to be able to see the vendor(supplier) address when processing the invoices. Either in the header area under the Supplier and Company information or in the Invoice Details tab. This is to verify that the address on the invoice is the same as in our system. Currently, there are too many clicks taken in order to verify the information.

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  11. We want our suppliers to put our employees' email addresses as reference on invoices rather than using names.
    The reason: Names or not unique, but corporate email addresses are.
    We would like to enable this possibility in MediusFlow for automatic distribution of invoices.
    Our scenario is head-level capture and therefore we're talking about distribution to one person only (the reference, identified by email address).

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