Extend bulk update with a list of what for instance what user have received what setting
Extend bulk update with a list to track which users or roles or whatever has been updated in the tab where you work, otherwise not visible what you have done/not done. Easier to track possible error when marking users and you get a clear picture of what has been.
Business case:
When bulk updating for instance a bunch of users with different roles in different companies it sometimes is hard to keep track of what you actually have marked to change. If there's a lot done at the same time you can easily miss something and when the bulk update is finished you don't get to see what's changed, just that the change is done.
Current behavior:
Message saying it's done, no more details.
Expected behavior:
Extend bulk update with a list when done, which shows which users have recieved what changes, like roles or whatever has been updated in the tab where you work, Easier to track possible error when marking users and you get a clear picture of what has been changed.