Article with zero price
We have articles that are zero priced which we want to order. It's possible to set the price on the article to zero in Medius, but it's not possible to order these articles, so our need is to have a development in Medius where we can order articles with price set to zero.
Jan Lindholm commented
Background for this ticket is that we have outsourced warehouse functionality to an external company, i.e. we buy and pay for the articles in advance and then are these articles only stored and waiting for delivery to us in the warehouse for the external company .
Our ordering process for zero priced items:
- Orders are created in Medius Procurement they are sent to the external company which stores the items.
- External company delivers articles to us and we receive them in Medius Procurement, articles should then be zero priced.
- External company sends invoices to us, invoices will contain both zero priced items and items with price
- Received orders and invoices will match automaticallyApproval route and 4EP should work the same way as ordinary items. We don't have any postage/freight for these items.
AdminMike Redfern (Admin, Medius Group ) commented
Could you please add some more detail about the rest of the process you follow for zero priced items? For example, what approval route might you expect them to be subject to, and would you expect "4 eyes principle" to be enforced? Would you expect to receipt them? Would you expect them to be invoiced? Do you see zero price items, but that are subject to postage/freight which appears on the invoice?